Welcome PaperSun! I hope you like it here. If you're interested in meeting RL people who won't look at you like you have three eyes if you accept the theory of evolution, you might try Meetup.com. It has a feature where you can put in key words (you might try atheist, evolution, freethought, humanist, and/or liberal) and a distance to find Meetups matching those terms within, say, 20 miles of your home. You might be surprised to find that there are like-minded people not so far away.
If there aren't, you might want to try what I did: start your own. Mine is the Freethought Society of the Midlands. It's in Columbia SC and I started it more than 20 years ago (before it was cool).
If there aren't, you might want to try what I did: start your own. Mine is the Freethought Society of the Midlands. It's in Columbia SC and I started it more than 20 years ago (before it was cool).
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.