(December 27, 2011 at 6:32 pm)kılıç_mehmet Wrote: Oh? Is is really that simple for you? I guess you had it all figured out. Like, couldn't you just say, "I don't find the idea of the existence of a supernatural deity a bit off" rather than act like you've studied judeo-christian theology in university for years and years to make an educated statement about it?
I hate these kind of statements, that it takes years of studying theology to really understand this crap. I heard it for years from my older brother who went to a Bible College, and still feels he is the one true expert on explaining God's mysteries. One should dare not question the crazy none sense in the bible, we should instead rely on the learned theologians.
Personally, I think the study of theology is a waste of time. There is merit in studying the bible as literature, and there is merit in studying the historical evolution of the world's religions, but to get a degree in theology to me is akin to a degrees in quackery.