While we were in the EU I was training as a biologist, it was expected that we would be working with the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy and/or Common Forestry Policy reporting to Brussels and advising on how to "best utilise and conserve resources"...
It was well known that once scientists had reported and made recommendations on what was sustainable to the Directorates they would be swarmed by lobbyists from the industries and the scientific recommendations would get swept under the rug. This is normal.
Since we left the EU continental industry lobbyists have had less access to decision makers allowing lobbyists from conservation groups to have greater say in what gets put forward.
Thus far this has resulted in bans on Sand Eel fishing which is going up against Brussels and their lobbyists now.
It was well known that once scientists had reported and made recommendations on what was sustainable to the Directorates they would be swarmed by lobbyists from the industries and the scientific recommendations would get swept under the rug. This is normal.
Since we left the EU continental industry lobbyists have had less access to decision makers allowing lobbyists from conservation groups to have greater say in what gets put forward.
Thus far this has resulted in bans on Sand Eel fishing which is going up against Brussels and their lobbyists now.
Quote:I don't understand why you'd come to a discussion forum, and then proceed to reap from visibility any voice that disagrees with you. If you're going to do that, why not just sit in front of a mirror and pat yourself on the back continuously?-Esquilax
Evolution - Adapt or be eaten.