Captain Phillips (2013)
A thriller based on the Maersk Alabama piracy incident that mostly plays the ink and gets it right. The best performance, by far, comes from Barkhad Abdi playing the lead pirate. Abdi sustains the tension with his eyes and actions more than with his lines. The film keeps things moving with minimal character development as we are tossed into the action pretty much from the start. Hanks's Vermonter accent is passable but he could have spent more time with the dialogue coach for the role.
Hanks essentially reprises the role in Sully three years later.
A thriller based on the Maersk Alabama piracy incident that mostly plays the ink and gets it right. The best performance, by far, comes from Barkhad Abdi playing the lead pirate. Abdi sustains the tension with his eyes and actions more than with his lines. The film keeps things moving with minimal character development as we are tossed into the action pretty much from the start. Hanks's Vermonter accent is passable but he could have spent more time with the dialogue coach for the role.
Hanks essentially reprises the role in Sully three years later.