I married my gay best friend, and let his lover plan his funeral and make all the decisions. It's sad that they couldn't marry. They were together for 20 years, and would still be together today if he were alive. These christian fuckheads are so worried about their "traditional family values" being desecrated by homosexuals, and yet, they're the ones getting divorces, cheating, etc. Not to mention the alarming amount of children that are currently being raised by their grandparents. Family values, my ass. It's an opportunity to rape people who have never hurt them. Christians, being the most hypocritical, amoral, repugnant people in America, can't resist the urge to cherry-pick verses from their book to condemn those who look like they might be having more fun than them. Most of them do it with a mouth full of shrimp, on the Sabbath, while they're wearing a wool-linen blend.