Jesus did not obolish the law; they still exist. However, he did fulfill the law by taking everyone's punishment for its desecration. The Qur'an wasn't written by followers of christ. The arguement here is the morality of the Protestant Bible, not that of the Qu'ran or the Jewish orthodox bible....
To Moros: Once again, you pull one act of people appearing to represent christianity to try to debunk it. These people were not acting as Christ would have. I donnot deny that religion is capable of evil (as religion is built by humans), I do deny, however, that if everyone followed the teaching of Christ, that there would be no evil... Regardless; shall we start to weigh the evil done by the religion of christianity, vs. the good? Im all for it... Also; where did you get your profile picture animation? I would very much like to have it
To Moros: Once again, you pull one act of people appearing to represent christianity to try to debunk it. These people were not acting as Christ would have. I donnot deny that religion is capable of evil (as religion is built by humans), I do deny, however, that if everyone followed the teaching of Christ, that there would be no evil... Regardless; shall we start to weigh the evil done by the religion of christianity, vs. the good? Im all for it... Also; where did you get your profile picture animation? I would very much like to have it