I made a clear subjective statement - from which I was then criticized. I defended my statement in an objective manner.
The beauty of life is choice. You have a choice to agree or disagree or remain neutral about my subjective statement. Are you going to get upset when I tell you that you have a choice, even if it's objectively true?
You can misrepresent what I say, and attack it as being ludicrous. But I try my best to avoid emotion, especially when talking about something objectively. You can say you disagree with my subjective statement, or you can say you disagree and then attack me emotionally. Language is a beautiful thing which can be used to help or hurt whoever is using it, and in most cases we use it to help ourselves.
The beauty of life is choice. You have a choice to agree or disagree or remain neutral about my subjective statement. Are you going to get upset when I tell you that you have a choice, even if it's objectively true?
You can misrepresent what I say, and attack it as being ludicrous. But I try my best to avoid emotion, especially when talking about something objectively. You can say you disagree with my subjective statement, or you can say you disagree and then attack me emotionally. Language is a beautiful thing which can be used to help or hurt whoever is using it, and in most cases we use it to help ourselves.
Brevity is the soul of wit.