Quote:Test Your Open-mindednessOh...this promises to be fun
Quote:1. Do you resist admitting the possibility that a conservative approach to education is far more effective for students than a liberal one?No. Facts are beyound "liberal" and "conservative". FACTS are what should be taught.
Quote:2. If it were proved to your satisfaction that some idea you've been using to bolster a political argument was false, would you keep using that idea in your argument?No. For the most part I distrust government. I distrust the kind of people who take Conservapedia seriously much, MUCH more than I distrust the typical American Liberal. There is no sense is spreading something I know is a lie because I am not a politician.
Quote:3. Do you resist admitting that something you accepted for over a decade is, in fact, completely false?No. In fact I eventually came to the conclusion that my belief in God was unjustified because god is a myth like Thor. I also leaned more conservative and Republican when I was younger, but found it wrong and switched to left wing. But Im sure you conservapedians will not count this as a correct answer.
Quote:4. Do you resist the possibility that Hollywood values result in significant harm for those who believe in them, and to innocent bystanders?http://www.conservapedia.com/Hollywood_values
Your hollywould values page is very difficult to absorb.
The answer is: No...and whats with the "do you resist" crap? Of course I "dont resist it". this also doesnt mean that I think Hollywood should be 100% dominated by right wing christian zealots either. If that ever happened I would pretty much stop watching anything coming out of hollywood... not that i watch much from it anyways. Hollywood can cause all kinds of people (including Christians) to hurt innocent bystanders if your fucking stupid and weakminded enough to let it influence you in such a way.
I suppose you want a nanny state, that makes sure all the movies are appropriate for viewing. I thought you right wingers were against shit like that?
Quote:5. Do you think it is impossible that increased gun ownership reduces the rate of crime?No. I support open carry by everyone. There is no reason why I should not be allowed to walk outside with a 45 auto strapped to my leg and a fully auto ak-47 on my back as I go into town. I also support fully automatic weapons to be completely legal and allowed to be carried in public view. I also support explosive devices such as RPG's, grenades, etc.. to be fully legal as well. I should be allowed to own a tank, or a fighter jet along with the arsenal of weapons that can come with it.
What? Are you shocked that a left winger is more in support of the second amendment than the vast majority of people who staff conservapedia?
Quote:6. When President Ronald Reagan told Mr. Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, did you think that it was impossible for the Berlin Wall to be torn down? (Or for those who were not born/not old enough to have an opinion - Do you think it is impossible that North Korea and South Korea will reunite into a single country, without being the result of one invading the other?)Two questions...what a bunch of confusing shit.
Meh, my answer for both questions is "no". Its obvious a wall can be torn down and that two countries who were enemies could become friends. Im not sure what your intent to these questions are, but i will answer them anyways.
Quote:7. Did you think, or still think, that the Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars") is impossible?No, it isnt impossible. Regardless, it doesnt change the fact the Reagan lied to everyone and spent fuck all mad money to make it seem as if he was making it happen. I think Star wars is very much possible, if not for the absolute failure of the Reagan administration. Now that he wasted all of the money he has ruined the chances of some other administration who COULD have actually done it.
Something tells me that was not the answer you were looking for.
Quote:8. Do you think that it is impossible that the Shroud of Turin is authentic?No, the shroud is definitely authentic. It was definitely a burial shroud of sometype and I will give it lots of leeway in that case.
...as far as it being Jesus' burial shroud, I think the chances of it being Jesus' is very slim. And, even if I went so far as to agree that it WAS Jesus' burial shroud, it in no way would confirm any of the fantastical stories about him, such as walking on water, or that he was the son of god, and so forth.
Either way, I do not think it is impossible that the shroud is authentic. Im just not very impressed with it.
Quote:9. Do you think that there must be a purely material-based explanation (such as magnetism) for remarkable homing and migration behavior of birds and butterflies?Wait... so if I answer "yes" to this, then I am closed minded? What happened to all of the questions being based on "possible/impossible"? I refuse to play this game, and I will therefore tell you if I think it is impossible that something OTHER than materialism might explain bird migration.
The answer is "no". Of course the magic teapot floating around Mars might send mind control signals to the birds and butterflies and I dont deny the possibility... I deny the PROBABILITY" of it.
Quote:10. Do you think that it is impossible for the speed of light to have been different in the past?No.. In fact there is a thing called "inflation" or "hyper inflation" in the big bang model where it is predicted that light might have traveled faster than normal.
Regardless, I am not a scientist, so who am I to say what is impossible or not?
Quote:11. Do you think that it is impossible to measure openmindedness?No. Its just obvious that the one who made THIS test had an agenda when it was put together.
Quote:12. Do you think that evolution [2] must have occurred?What happened to "possible/impossible". So now if I say "yes, because all of the current evidence points to it" I am automatically given a "closed minded" mark. I will not be falling into this second trap and will therefore make the question reflect the original template.
No, i do not think it is impossible that evolution could be wrong. It could be VERY wrong. But so far the evidence supports the theory. So, I DO think that evolution occured and I STILL get to answer "no" to your "possible/impossible" system.
Quote:13. Do you think that is impossible for the power of 2 in Newtonian gravity, whereby the gravitational force is proportional to 1/r2, to be more precise with an exponent that is slightly different from 2, such as a gravitational force proportional to 1/r2.00000001?What? I dont even know what you are talking about. Therefore I cannot answer this question.
Quote:14. Do you resist admitting that some things taught to you in school are completely false, and even known to be false by some responsible for the material?No. people on both sides of the political spectrum has tried to insert their political views as fact. right wingers try to shove in "intelligent design" even though they know it is not supported by evidence. And what is "resist" for this question?
Quote:15. Do you deny that some widely required theories of science, such as the theory of evolution, may actually impede the progress of science?[3]I feel like im on trial, or that you are mad about something. This question is loaded. It is so loaded that I refuse to partake in it. It steps clearly out of the "possible/impossible" realm and instantly accuses anyone of saying that evolution advances science as closed minded. This question will be removed and I will make my grade percentage without including it. You crossed the line man.
Quote:16. Do you deny that the imposition of socialism and same-sex marriage on a nation could harm its competitiveness at international events like the Olympics?Another question that foresakes the "possible/impossible" rules that you yourself demanded I follow. This question will be removed from the final average because I am not falling for your traps.
Quote:17. Do you refuse to consider the possibility that "experts" may not have all the answers, and that the best of the public may have valuable insights to which experts are blind?You have completely disregarded your own rules...I can see that the rest of the questions also disregard your personal rules and also use loaded statements as well...it has now become obvious that if i dont agree with your beliefs, then I am not open minded.
Quote:18. Do you think that if you read parts of the Bible years ago as a child, you can claim to "have read the Bible" and that you have no reason to read it regularly now?Yeah, pretty slick...you set up something that doesnt seem so bad at first, then you dump your own rules and start setting up the questions to appear that if I dont agree with every single thing that you do then I am not open minded. How very closed minded of you.
19. Do you believe that because the Earth's orbit and rotation are what they are now, they are guaranteed to remain stable for billions of years?
20. Do you deny that a woman married to a man in prison is a better mother than two gay women?
The above questions can be asked, and one's closed-mindedness can be scored based on how often they answered "yes" above. Answering more than half as "yes" reflects acute closed-mindedness.