Quote:The fact is he gave $3 million and the person making $21,000 didn't give $3,000.Wrong, the person making $21,000 COULDNT give to charity, and I argue that if capitalism were such a "successful" system, then charity would not be needed now, would it?
Quote:I can never understand why people want the rich to be forced to give away their money.Hmmm, crony capitalism, buying off politicians, special HALFED tax rate for exactly what Romeny does (Which is stock), insider agreements, buying up of companies in troubled, dividing the assets and firing american workers to move the product creation overseas to pay people $3 a day to do the same work and sell it for the same price in America. Gaining tax payer monies for incentive programs...man, I can keep going with that list.
So gee, why would the poor expect the rich to put back into the society that made them so rich?
Who knows?
Quote: It's a choice, just like getting an education or working hard.working hard does not make one rich and I am a prime example of that. My father worked so hard his back is now paying for it. It never made him rich.
How do you get rich? Make OTHER people work hard for you.
I learned this from the businesses I ran before. It is quite obvious that in order for you to get rich in America is to stretch the law. Abuse your workers, and generally not care about ANYTHING other than the gaining of wealth.
You dont become rich spending money, you become rich gaining money.
Quote: As was said earlier, much of his money is invested which provides jobs and upfront capital to growing businesses...and you are obviously unaware of the aggresive corporate take overs which made him filthy rich. You know, the kind that break up an American corporation and sends it over seas to take advantage of third world countries to pay them pennies on the dollar.
Yeah, he sure is providing jobs in America, and we are all in a debt of gratitude to people like Mitt.
Quote:Giving away money isn't intelligent, investing money in something is.So then naturally you are for paying someone $1 an hour or less to get them to work for you. Why give away money? Why not just have slaves? Its more intelligent not to pay your workers than to pay them isnt it? invest it in jobs overseas and let the sweatshops generate cash money you can use today! safety codes? Who needs them. funding safety is a waste of money. It is much more "intelligent" to put that money into the stock market (with insider tips from Romneys friends).
Quote:On a forum which celebrates intellectual conversation, I'm amazed at how many people have the socialist mindset.That cost you my rating. no way will I have my stamp of "open mindedness" on someone who spews garbage like this.
Apparently to you, an "intellectual" is someone who is more involved in accumulating mass amounts of wealth to the detriment of society.
Quote:Being rich isn't bad, and you have no right whatsoever to demean the rich for not giving you their money - which they made.Of course being rich isnt bad, in fact you are on the top of the pile of shit you leave in your wake. How dare we expect them to care about the society that made them rich.
Quote: How would you like if the rich demeaned you for not giving $3,000 to charity?I wish i had $3000 of loose money to give to the poor, because I would surely do such a thing. The way the system is there is hardly any cash floating around to survive, much less help others out.
Quote:They could have easily gone on a vacation with their family, but instead they donated.Yeah...right....you can believe that crap all you want, but dont piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Quote:You could easily give up internet and eat rice instead of luxury foods, but instead you keep it to increase your living conditions.Are you not merciful?
Quote:The end goal of society should not be to live off each other, but rather to provide for one's self.The perfect description of greed. What you describe is a leech. Sucking the blood of society to better ones own self at the cost of the host.