In my opinion, in Babylon and Egypt as well as areas in between, astrology was the key factor. The stars appeared to have control over the seasons as the same stars patterns appeared at every season, hence they must control men also. Family groups were also considered part of this. They were considered to be under the influence of a particular zodiac group, which is why we call them "houses." Family groups populated a specific area or tiowns which grew into cities. Specific gods were assigned to each zodiac as well as the sun and the moon became involved to make things complex. Soon cities would have a patron diety. The city which was in charge over other cities, had their patron diety go to the top of the class and become the supreme god. YHWH was a moon god, who later lost being associated with the moon. Tsippora, a city in Babylon had the Zu-bird as its patron diety. It represented the Pleiades in the constellations which was also the sign of the vernal equinox circa 2185 BCE (zero point). In the Bible Zippora (z pronounced as ts) the wife of Moses is one of seven sisters, which is the Greek version of the Pleiades. Her name also means "bird or fowl." When you map out the storybook of the Biblical constellations as I have done, they are connected in an orderly fashion. Zippora also falls on the Pleiades. It is shortly after Moses meeting Zippora that Moses returns to Egypt and the Passover happens, which by coincidence takes place at the vernal equinox. This allows me to date the story. And that is what Christmas is all about about Charlie Brown.
"On Earth as it is in Heaven, the Cosmic Roots of the Bible" available on the Amazon.