Quote:We do have a right over this land by the right of the sword. If anyone thinks that they can throw us out, let them try as they did before. We came here a thousands years ago, and have ousted the multitudes of others to earn our place here.And you call us anarchists "barbarians". We live and let live and try to get along. You, on the other hand, draw your sword and usurp our freedom in the name of a thousand year half assed claim.
If what you say is true then I can draw a sword and claim ownership of it as well, but why do such when I can live amongst you and throw monkey wrenches in everything you plan and do. Your machinery of control will not last, just like the others who have come and gone before you. You cannot beat anarchy.
Quote:Who now will claim that this is not our land? If someone lays such a claim they first must beat us to the ground, and then proclaim that we cannot own this land. We do.So you own it huh? How many names has it had before? Im sure you can tell me as you cringe at its past nominations, its past "owners", and now you make a claim to it as well. So many people are making claims to mounds of dirt and sand and are willing to shed blood and kill man woman elder and infant over their delusions when instead they could be living in peace and egalitarianism. You have a chance to rise above such putrid conceptions and I know you are intelligent enough to understand my words. Stop being part of the problem and open your heart and mind to those different from you.
Quote:Call it a delusion, while you hold on to the deed of your house, your car keys, or whatever you think that belongs to you. If you can own these, you can own land by the right of your power.I dont own them regardless of title or deed. They are mrely liabilities to me. If someone can own land by "right" of power, then I am still correct and justified in saying that nobody owns anything. There is always someone stronger than you, and more cunning.
Quote:The concept of freedom you have is the delusion, which cannot be archived without some sort of institution that provides order.You are sorely addicted to the bureaucracy. How sad. And you are even willing to extend such delusion upon nature itself.
Quote:And this can only be archived via a hierarchy, where orders are given, received and carried out.And one Molotov cocktail will destroy all of it. The lions pride, on the other hand, is an example of natural order WITHOUT government or heirarchy. A temporary leader doe not a heirarchy make. It is merely a moment of time which can change in the swift stroke of a claw.
Quote:You set before me a hypothetical "paradise", which rather sounds like it's been out of some holy book, and expect me to believe that it will bring freedom, rather than barbarism?Never once on this forum have i described anarchy as a paradise. And speaking of barbarism, you are the one who is willing to ethnic cleanse and force totalitarianism and draw your pussy ass sword out. Some are trained to walk in without a weapon and take YOURS from you and use it against you. Go right ahead and try to work your way in. It costs you twice as much to attack than it does to defend. And when you attack, then hey! You are supplying your enemy with food and weapons they can steal from you at a discount of labor. What do you think the anarchists will use? You damn right they will be using your weapons to fight against you and eating your food. They use the enemy.
Quote:Then I figure that you will not go to the police if someone steals from your house, or if someone asks you your wallet?Why the fuck would I call the police unless I absolutely had too? Im not fucking stupid. I highly suggest that NOBODY call the police unless they had too, because the police are all about making money. Our jails are privatised, and our police make promotions based on the amount of tickets and arrests they make. FUCK THE POLICE! I only call them when it is the best choice to do so to cover my ass. Dont let the police in your home, and dont trust the fuckers because they have been known to kill and maim and get off scott free.
If someone asks for my wallet? Really? Are we going the juvinile route again Mehmet?
Quote:Look how he distributes false information. I wonder where you got this, nationalists are always very respectful of their elders, and take care of them the best way they can. I don't know where you shat this out, but it's hilarious.Except for the Italian Fascists, and the German Fascists, and..well...just about every other fascist group that was planning on an imperialistic world domination. So far America hasnt gotten to that point, but quite a few on the right have been applauding the idea of letting people who cant afford health care die off.
Quote:Hints at genocide? Where?Here...
mehme Wrote:Foolish as to trust people who have no blood association with eachother to watch eachother's backs? Nationalism is the cure to the world's problems.Its a "cure". Trust only blood (racial ties). Yeah, you hint at genocide. You are one step away from decimating an entire block just on their skin or tradition from the views you hold, you fucking disgust me.
Quote:No, you are not. The fact that we're both homo saphiens does not change the fact that I'm not of you, and you're not of me.Yes I am of your blood. I am 0- (0 negative) type blood. If you were dying, it is guarenteed that my blood will save your life even though I am a dispised non-turk to you.
Quote:It's as you said it, it's name is Türkiye, which means the land of Turks. Meaning, it's the land of the Turks. Can the name be any more descriptive?No, I said "Turkey", as in land of the Turkey's. A name does not cement a racial claim of a land. You still do not own it
does every speck of dust have the name "turkey" on it? Even then, it is still not proof of ownership you tool.
Quote:I do not call you a savage, I call you a "noble savage", for you fit the description of the "noble savage" type of a red indian that was prominent in fictious stories about red indians, that they supposedly did not lay claim on land. Well, they did, like all humans did, fought and died for land.Who gives a shit about your subtleties...not I. The ways of our natives are much more intricate than you put it out. Many tribes even had non-violent wars over who got the spring produce of certain lands. Some came together and helped each other. They werent savage. You, the one who is willing to pull the sword for names and government...you are the savage.