And yet the bleeding hearts in this country want it both ways ...
"Prisons are big business - we don't want that, oh but capital punishment, no no, we don't want that either."
O wait, unless of course it's THEIR child or sibling or parent who gets raped and murdered, than suddenly they're not so rigid on capital punishment.
God damn hypocrite bleeding heart mother fuckers. The genius is they figured out how to make an execution MORE expensive than keeping them in prison so that they can justify both views. Endless appeals, attorney fees, decades long stays of execution ... it's a quagmire of bureaucratic horse shit to try getting a convicted man executed.
Meanwhile they bitch and whine about the cost of prisons when they're the very reason we have to build them.
1 - 9mm cartridge and 3 blanks = $1.20
1 - 4 man firing squad = Annual Salaried Soldiers
Immediate Execution = Priceless.
And while I'm ranting ... go ahead and put rapists and child molesters on the list for executable crimes. That's right I said it ... I don't give a fuck if you didn't actually kill someone. You pissed on society, have been weighed in the balance and found completely lacking of anything benefiting the human beings that you live among. Therefore your life is worthless and more importantly, dangerous to the rest of us. You have forfeited your right to breath.
"Prisons are big business - we don't want that, oh but capital punishment, no no, we don't want that either."
O wait, unless of course it's THEIR child or sibling or parent who gets raped and murdered, than suddenly they're not so rigid on capital punishment.
God damn hypocrite bleeding heart mother fuckers. The genius is they figured out how to make an execution MORE expensive than keeping them in prison so that they can justify both views. Endless appeals, attorney fees, decades long stays of execution ... it's a quagmire of bureaucratic horse shit to try getting a convicted man executed.
Meanwhile they bitch and whine about the cost of prisons when they're the very reason we have to build them.
1 - 9mm cartridge and 3 blanks = $1.20
1 - 4 man firing squad = Annual Salaried Soldiers
Immediate Execution = Priceless.
And while I'm ranting ... go ahead and put rapists and child molesters on the list for executable crimes. That's right I said it ... I don't give a fuck if you didn't actually kill someone. You pissed on society, have been weighed in the balance and found completely lacking of anything benefiting the human beings that you live among. Therefore your life is worthless and more importantly, dangerous to the rest of us. You have forfeited your right to breath.