Hello everyone,
Have been thoroughly enjoying reading numerous posts this morning and so thought I would sign up to give my two cents. Can I just say it's refreshing to hear from so many likeminded people without too many Christian blips.
Anyhow - I'm a 15 year old female who's been athiest ever since I decided to think. I don't think God exists and even if He does I am mightily confused as to why anyone in their right mind would worship Him. Someone who burns those in flames if they don't fit His ideal... Remind you of anyone?? If He does exist (which He doesn't) I will have some bones to pick with Him once I die so He'd better watch out!
Mainly because I like arguing I took RE as a GCSE and my goodness what a load of utter dogs bollocks. Do people believe this drivel? I wouldn't say I'm amazing intelligent but even I can see. Half the stuff in the Bible contradicts itslef and the other half isn't worth reading! I'm also slightly annoyed by the injustice of what goes on in there. Apparently it's perfectly ok for Christians to say God exists but the minuete I say He doesn't I get told off for being offensive. I'm sorry - I didn't know being a Christian meant your views are more important or valid then mine.
So yes - from one generally pissed of atheist - hello
Have been thoroughly enjoying reading numerous posts this morning and so thought I would sign up to give my two cents. Can I just say it's refreshing to hear from so many likeminded people without too many Christian blips.
Anyhow - I'm a 15 year old female who's been athiest ever since I decided to think. I don't think God exists and even if He does I am mightily confused as to why anyone in their right mind would worship Him. Someone who burns those in flames if they don't fit His ideal... Remind you of anyone?? If He does exist (which He doesn't) I will have some bones to pick with Him once I die so He'd better watch out!
Mainly because I like arguing I took RE as a GCSE and my goodness what a load of utter dogs bollocks. Do people believe this drivel? I wouldn't say I'm amazing intelligent but even I can see. Half the stuff in the Bible contradicts itslef and the other half isn't worth reading! I'm also slightly annoyed by the injustice of what goes on in there. Apparently it's perfectly ok for Christians to say God exists but the minuete I say He doesn't I get told off for being offensive. I'm sorry - I didn't know being a Christian meant your views are more important or valid then mine.
So yes - from one generally pissed of atheist - hello