This whole thing has become insane.. People had problems. people explained them. Staff responded.
Personally I think no harm was meant. Carrying this on is just daft. Clearly its going nowhere. If everyone just chilled out and discussed it in a calm way maybe whatever people have issues with can be sorted. What would the staff have to gain from alienating people on here? Its been blown way out of proportion and is now getting childish.
Thats my 32p and a 1917's penny's worth.
Love you all <3<3
Please no be angry
Personally I think no harm was meant. Carrying this on is just daft. Clearly its going nowhere. If everyone just chilled out and discussed it in a calm way maybe whatever people have issues with can be sorted. What would the staff have to gain from alienating people on here? Its been blown way out of proportion and is now getting childish.
Thats my 32p and a 1917's penny's worth.
Love you all <3<3
Please no be angry