If your purpose of this is to state that there is no positive statement that can make atheism true than that was already accomplished awhile ago. You are asking a negative position simply "A position that does not believe in God's" to offer a positive reason as to why this is true.
It would be like me asking you what your favorite color is and than asking now what is the proof that this is your favorite color? The proof is that it is simply... your favorite color. It does not require a positive argumentation to prove.
Atheism is SIMPLY and ONLY defined as a lack of belief in the gods. The only real positive statement I can think to make is the following.
"There is no way to prove the existence of the gods therefore the gods probably do not exist."
"Besides some unknown deity all deities which claim to have power/influence have since had no ability to demonstrate it which makes me think they are not there."
There are ZERO arguments for atheism. Atheism is simply a negative position concerning the gods. It is not a philosophical stance, it is not a club, it is not anything really other than stated disbelief. The only thing that you could say by asking for atheists to provide positive arguments is saying, "Prove to me why you think there are no gods."
You may not have intended to ask this question but when you frame the question in that way that is what you are appearing to ask. That is why this thread has exploded into questioning you about how you know the god's exist. Because atheism is a negative position toward a topic and not a position which claims to have a bunch of answers to various questions. It is simply and plainly a lack of belief in deity.
If you did not intend to ask people to prove to you why they don't believe in deity then you will want to rephrase your question. It is possible that there has just been a misunderstanding in what you are actually asking for and if that is true that is all good, it happens.
However, "Please present positive arguments why you think atheism is true" can be reworded to say "Please present positive arguments why you think that there are no gods". Which I think people have done. The position of many atheists, including myself, on why we think there are no gods is that theism doesn't seem to have any evidence for its claims. That is why they are so dependent on each other. If theists did not claim there were gods than there would be no atheists. Atheism is a response to a theistic claim of deity. That is why they are interconnected like they are.
No theists = no atheists because there would never be a discussion of something called a "god".
It would be like me asking you what your favorite color is and than asking now what is the proof that this is your favorite color? The proof is that it is simply... your favorite color. It does not require a positive argumentation to prove.
Atheism is SIMPLY and ONLY defined as a lack of belief in the gods. The only real positive statement I can think to make is the following.
"There is no way to prove the existence of the gods therefore the gods probably do not exist."
"Besides some unknown deity all deities which claim to have power/influence have since had no ability to demonstrate it which makes me think they are not there."
There are ZERO arguments for atheism. Atheism is simply a negative position concerning the gods. It is not a philosophical stance, it is not a club, it is not anything really other than stated disbelief. The only thing that you could say by asking for atheists to provide positive arguments is saying, "Prove to me why you think there are no gods."
You may not have intended to ask this question but when you frame the question in that way that is what you are appearing to ask. That is why this thread has exploded into questioning you about how you know the god's exist. Because atheism is a negative position toward a topic and not a position which claims to have a bunch of answers to various questions. It is simply and plainly a lack of belief in deity.
If you did not intend to ask people to prove to you why they don't believe in deity then you will want to rephrase your question. It is possible that there has just been a misunderstanding in what you are actually asking for and if that is true that is all good, it happens.
However, "Please present positive arguments why you think atheism is true" can be reworded to say "Please present positive arguments why you think that there are no gods". Which I think people have done. The position of many atheists, including myself, on why we think there are no gods is that theism doesn't seem to have any evidence for its claims. That is why they are so dependent on each other. If theists did not claim there were gods than there would be no atheists. Atheism is a response to a theistic claim of deity. That is why they are interconnected like they are.
No theists = no atheists because there would never be a discussion of something called a "god".