RE: Please present positive arguments why you think atheism is true
April 22, 2012 at 11:02 pm
(This post was last modified: April 22, 2012 at 11:21 pm by Jireh.)
(April 22, 2012 at 10:19 pm)Darwinian Wrote: Yes, the fact that the Universe looks and behaves in exactly the way it would if there were no god...
based on what parameters do you think you can affirm this ?
Quote:If the Universe did not operate on naturalistic principles but instead was guided by the whims of a divine creator then we could never make any accurate predictions and science itself would make no sense.
why ?
Quote:The fact that we can formulate laws and theories and use them to accurately predict and understand such things as orbits, eclipses, weather patterns, animal behaviour, social dynamics, financial trends, plate tectonics, time dilation (re: Satnavs), tides (O'Reilly take note), animal migrations, the outcome of mathematical equations, atomic decay, biology, natural history, physics etc. etc. points to the inevitable conclusion that either there is no guiding hand of the divine or that hand stopped guiding at the point of the big bang!
please show the correlation of the premise, with the conclusion.
(April 22, 2012 at 10:43 pm)Cinjin Wrote: I NEVER once said that my opinion was superior you lying god sucking piece of !!!!!
you didn't say :
I, and much of the world, found them to be Evil.
Quote:... I was pointing out that YOUR morality is NOT superior and that you have absolutely no justification for your post ... and STILL don't!.
i did not claim my morality is superior. I just claimed, that without God, you cannot have a parameter of what is good, and what is bad. Everything becomes relative. Why should Hitlers opinion about what is good, what is bad, be superior or inferior of yours ?
Quote: The fact that you're trying to switch this around on me tells me that you're purposely trolling.
or you may not understand my argument ??
Quote:My point was and remains, no one here cares what you think about our standards of morality when the Christian standards are often set LOWER than that of us "heathens."
lower based on what standard ?
you are dodging my question.
Quote:I'm pretty sure that Hitler himself and all those around him believed that they were True Christians™
based on what are you so sure ? Just because he claimed it to be ? YOu indeed show a big portion of ignorance and lack of historical knowledge.
Quote:In his multi-volume history of the Third Reich, historian Richard Evans writes that "the Nazis regarded the churches as the strongest and toughest reservoirs of ideological opposition to the principles they believed in." Once Hitler and the Nazis came to power, they launched a ruthless drive to subdue and weaken the Christian churches in Germany. Evans points out that after 1937 the policies of Hitler's government became increasingly anti-religious.
The Nazis stopped celebrating Christmas, and the Hitler Youth recited a prayer thanking the Fuhrer rather than God for their blessings. Clergy regarded as "troublemakers" were ordered not to preach, hundreds of them were imprisoned, and many were simply murdered. Churches were under constant Gestapo surveillance. The Nazis closed religious schools, forced Christian organizations to disband, dismissed civil servants who were practicing Christians, confiscated church property, and censored religious newspapers. Poor Sam Harris cannot explain how an ideology that Hitler and his associates perceived as a repudiation of Christianity can be portrayed as a "culmination" of Christianity.
Quote:and would've said it was you who is wrong. That's the beauty of your religion, you can justify absolutely anything. Furthermore, had Hitler been successful conquering the world, you'd be singing his praise right now and telling people how your god blessed him and gave him the victory.
how do you know that, and are you so sure ?
Quote:Now PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION once again ....
It doesn't matter if you think Hitler was a good Christian, or even a Christian, he is not the measuring stick for all mankind. My point is, YOU used him as your example of our "corruptible subjective morality" when in reality, he represented your bull shit "objective god-given" morality. There are millions of Christians just like him. Your objective morality does not exist. As I said before, you can make your BS claims about not being able to have true morality without god, but until you can produce a religion that actually raises the bar you don't have a single leg to stand on.
Please show me, where the bible asks us, to kill jews, homosexuals, and so forth, as Hitler did.