WHAT STATE is this victim of theocracy & theocrats occuring in?
Jail the Nazi Pimp Pope Joe Ratzinger alias Benedick.... he's killed 6 million women a year denying them life saving abortions & deadly disease preventing condoms & covered the pedophile felony rape of thousands of children for decades....
this teacher should win a million dollar judgement against this "employer" who employed a teacher of math or science or language that has NOTHING TO DO WITH HER OVARIES OR UTERUS OR EGGS OR SPOUSES SPERM...
BUT THE ATTACK ON SANDRA FLUKE IS WORSE.... she testifies truthfully about how Georgetown Law School caused her friend to become sterile, unable to have children for the rest of her life....
how ovarian cysts are treated with the same pills women take for having sex without condoms
....how religion has caused the pain of vulvadynia to go untreated...
how the Vatican has no business forcing their insane faith articles into any insurance policy or any doctors office http://www.hireLarryFireBobby.com 843-926-1570 @VoteLarryDis114 oust theocrat Speaker Harrell who killed 9 fire fighters with his scab laws denying them UNION SAFETY EQUIPMENT & UNION CONTRACT SAFETY WORK RULES... @AtheistVet @GREENS926_1750 stop the WAR ON WOMEN BY RETHUGLICANS & religious right Republocrats wearing blue hats
(April 25, 2012 at 2:35 pm)Miami_Marlins_fan Wrote: Christina Dias, a computer science teacher at a catholic school, was fired when the staff discovered that she was receiving IVF treatment in order to have a child. She was called to the Bishop's office, and had to hear this allegedly celibate man who doesn't know the first thing about having or wanting a family, shout at her and call her a sinner. He told her she was a "grave and immoral sinner" who would go to hell for wanting to have a child when God didn't want her to have one. She was fired even though her position at the school has nothing to do with religion and does not require her to teach religious doctrine.
Apparently the Catholic church believes IVF is murder because some embryos may be destroyed in the process. We are talking about a bunch of cells here, not even a fetus. A bunch of cells that would never develop into anything unless they are implanted into a woman. Thankfully Mrs. Dias has a mind of her own, continued the treatment, and now has an evil child due to the product of sin (according to church beliefs.) Now she is suing the church and has been given the go ahead for her lawsuit to proceed to federal court.
Why does the catholic church hate science? Why is it evil for an infertile woman to not accept that this is "what God wants" and trust science to give her a chance at having a family? This is the same church that goes around Africa telling people that condoms cause AIDS. The Catholic church has a long history of hating science, and now they want to intrude into your ability to make medical decisions on your own. Should the church be able to get away with controlling people's personal decisions when it comes to medical treatment? Do you think the church is justified in firing this woman and telling her that her desire to want a family are the acts of a dirty sinner who is going to hell?