Lol, Mosrhun!
I can't really rag on C Rod too much. He's far more the harmless variety of theist and really if more were like him I'd probably have absolutely zero issues with religion. I SHOULD point out, though, Mr. Rod; if you pick and choose what aspects of the bible to listen to and what not to, does that make the bible fallible, and if so, why bother adhering to it? You do seem to follow the precepts of do unto others as they would have others do unto you. I should point out this is not a Christian-specific moral code; it far predates monotheism in general, in fact, by over a millenium. Just something for you to ruminate over, but even if you continue on your current conclusion, let it be known I appreciate your lack of dogmatic adherence.
As for these people walking out on the criticism, we see this happen quite often. Ever see Religulous? Bill goes to a "truck-stop church" and asks some questions of the Xtians there, and within moments of him asking rather rational questions in a fairly respectful way, one declares he will not stand for this questioning and leaves in a huff.
I can't really rag on C Rod too much. He's far more the harmless variety of theist and really if more were like him I'd probably have absolutely zero issues with religion. I SHOULD point out, though, Mr. Rod; if you pick and choose what aspects of the bible to listen to and what not to, does that make the bible fallible, and if so, why bother adhering to it? You do seem to follow the precepts of do unto others as they would have others do unto you. I should point out this is not a Christian-specific moral code; it far predates monotheism in general, in fact, by over a millenium. Just something for you to ruminate over, but even if you continue on your current conclusion, let it be known I appreciate your lack of dogmatic adherence.
As for these people walking out on the criticism, we see this happen quite often. Ever see Religulous? Bill goes to a "truck-stop church" and asks some questions of the Xtians there, and within moments of him asking rather rational questions in a fairly respectful way, one declares he will not stand for this questioning and leaves in a huff.