Quote:Quite to the contrary, I wish to see justice served. It's not a lynching if the accused is guilty.
This depends upon whose definition of justice you want to use. In cases where children are involved this word is rarely used and its application is rarely sought.
Quote:The ones who toss out the rules of the legal system with nary a thought or care because they seem to think such things do not apply to them as followers of some higher morality - what are we to make of them?
In other words, you want justice only if it meets your idea of it and to heck with those who disagree with you.
Quote:Which is why we have to rely on the facts as presented, just like you do, but without the air of sneering condescension
OH pulleeaasssseeee... what a crock. In the penn state case, used as an example only, the facts used to oust officials from their jobs now turn out to be wrong. you can't trust people's judgement when they move to the emotional state.
Quote:It's called empathy, you tool.
well i was going to respond to your complete post but that one word just stopped me. just so you know, empathy is not fact, evidence nor does it bring any. you are just excusing your ignorance with some emotion you do not know how to apply properly.