(May 9, 2012 at 5:36 pm)DeeTee Wrote: I have been on a number of atheist boards and in discussion with numerous atheists. I am in one now on same sex marriage with a scholar at an american university and he does what all atheists do, that I have come in contact with,--He puts words into my mouth that I did not say and credits me with acts I did not do.
it gets old after awhile but that is not my focus with this thread. One major complaint (aside from their subjectivity) is their claim to be moral when in reality they are not.
Atheists claim that religious people do not have a monopoly on morality but if one looks at the atheistic way of life, their is no source for their own supposed moral code.
Where do they get their idea of morality from? Well they will not admit to it but they hijack a lot of it from the Bible but they also allow themselves wiggle room to be able to lie, misrepresent what others say, alter quotes to fit their arguments, be abusive, being hypocritical, using double standards and other minor sins they deem not important.
In God's eye they are not moral, in my eyes they are not being moral but fudging the lines to do whatever they feel like when the situation calls for it.
In other words, I do not find atheists to be as moral as they claim and their words and actions bear this conclusion out. How can they say they are moral when they will be immoral when it benefits them?
Be careful before you start dancing the morality dance. There are people here who can dance circles around you on that.
Your god and moral? Puhlease. You Christians abandoned your god's morality a few centuries ago. And with good reason too. It was dragging your collective asses down the drain.
What you do use now, for most part, is secular morality. Morality that is based on reality and reason. Morality that is not arbitrary or absolute, but as detailed and nuanced as the situations people in real life find themselves to be. But you can't just let go of your fairy tales now, could you? Now you all are just desperately scrambling around - half of you trying to say that secular morality is wrong - while living by it and the other half rewriting the bible to fit the secular morality.