StatCrux: Abstinence doesn't work.
Gendarme: I was raised by casuals. Raising your children to believe in a certain religion limits their freedom of choice by brainwashing them at an early age. As parents, we have an obligation to limit the amount of decisions are make that effect our children's freedoms. Now, not all of these choices can be avoided, but religion is a big one. Additionally, I think the belief in a heaven really diminishes the finality and harshness of death. Some might be context to whisper to themselves that they'll see their passed loved ones again, but I'd rather not.
Gendarme: I was raised by casuals. Raising your children to believe in a certain religion limits their freedom of choice by brainwashing them at an early age. As parents, we have an obligation to limit the amount of decisions are make that effect our children's freedoms. Now, not all of these choices can be avoided, but religion is a big one. Additionally, I think the belief in a heaven really diminishes the finality and harshness of death. Some might be context to whisper to themselves that they'll see their passed loved ones again, but I'd rather not.