When you decide to make the argument that christianity, or islam, or judaism "might" be true, and you find yourself beset by those who ask you for evidence for such a possibility, and you then begin to try conditionalizing everything in order to construct an imaginary deck of cards, which, were they to actually coalesce into physical being could just as easily be blown over by the standard method of inquiry, you shouldn't take it too hard when everyone has a go at you.
Do you see the use of a contrafactual condition in there?
Now. What is it you're after? Do you want everyone to say hallelujah, or praise be, or perhaps an "Our father, who might be in a possible place which we like to call heaven?" What do you want?
Do you see the use of a contrafactual condition in there?
Now. What is it you're after? Do you want everyone to say hallelujah, or praise be, or perhaps an "Our father, who might be in a possible place which we like to call heaven?" What do you want?
Trying to update my sig ...