Quote:You seem to have taken that too personally Creed. How can you be uncommitted to something you fully understand? Are you uncommitted to your current stance? I presume not, and that your current stance represents your best understanding. Or you are the first to declare Cognitive Dissonance as your atheistic stance that I'm aware of. Or does Non Cognitivist cover that??
When someone accuses me of not being informed on a topic I am informed on, yes, I tend to take it on a slightly personal level. I'm not exaggerating the "slight," however; it is only a minor annoyance. Now, you can always be uncommitted to something you fully grasp. I fully grasp the nature of love, for example, though I am not committed to being in love. I ONCE was, though, which is largely what the case was with my beliefs. My current stance, well, I suppose you could say I am committed to it, in the sort of way one becomes committed via not being convinced of something. Can't really say I see your point there. Grasping for straws, hm?