Well - its the NDE 'argument' once more. What seems to be true is: Many people change their lifes after an NDE - IMHO because they now know for real that they are mortal.
The sensations they felt and describe vary a lot. Tunnel, White light, extreme terror, feeling of complete happiness, out-of-body experiences etc. etc.
How come? Well the brain - realizing that an immediate shutdown could be possible - seems to go into a kind of 'last ditch' attempt -
and searches for stored information that match the current experience - but there is none. That's IMHO the reason why the brain produces a chain of sensations (like when you are dreaming) - its just a search through the 'database'.
Not only do those NDE experiences NOT proof the existence of a supernatural being (not to mention heaven or hell) - the 'testimony' of these NDE-survivors is IMHO flawed: They experienced something utterly life-threatening and I have a hard time to believe that they during that experience are capable of consistent (not to mention rational) thought at all.
Then - when the immediate danger is over, brain back to normal functioning - the brain tries to combine those inconsistent sensations to something that makes more sense.
Then the person awakes - and gets the 'sanitized' story from the brain. And voilà: They suddenly believe in life after death, heaven, hell and the whole package.
That's my opinion.
The sensations they felt and describe vary a lot. Tunnel, White light, extreme terror, feeling of complete happiness, out-of-body experiences etc. etc.
How come? Well the brain - realizing that an immediate shutdown could be possible - seems to go into a kind of 'last ditch' attempt -
and searches for stored information that match the current experience - but there is none. That's IMHO the reason why the brain produces a chain of sensations (like when you are dreaming) - its just a search through the 'database'.
Not only do those NDE experiences NOT proof the existence of a supernatural being (not to mention heaven or hell) - the 'testimony' of these NDE-survivors is IMHO flawed: They experienced something utterly life-threatening and I have a hard time to believe that they during that experience are capable of consistent (not to mention rational) thought at all.
Then - when the immediate danger is over, brain back to normal functioning - the brain tries to combine those inconsistent sensations to something that makes more sense.
Then the person awakes - and gets the 'sanitized' story from the brain. And voilà: They suddenly believe in life after death, heaven, hell and the whole package.
That's my opinion.