Quote:For I was constantly being slighted for acknoweledging slavery in a modern context, while you all soap boxed from your high horses about how all slavery was always a bad thing.
It was ALWAYS BAD. It did benefit those who utilized it for resource gain, but just because something benefits someone doesn't make it moral, it just means it was used.
If not all slavery is bad, please provide me ONE example, back then or now, where any human would say to themselves "I'd love to be owned and abused by another human".
Immoral acts can benefit someone, but having a benefit does not equate to morality.
Slavery is never and was never good for the individual it has always been immoral. There is a huge difference between a butler in a Mansion who has the right to quit his job, and someone who is chased down and punished and or murdered for trying to leave their captors.
Kinda like your god claim itself. I am not a willing part of his deal. I have no say in the final outcome. I cant say "hey dude, I don't want to go to heaven or hell" And I had no choice in being born for that matter. Please explain to me where my consent and my wishes are under my ultimate control. As a concept, as a claim, your pet deity is a slave owner.
If humans should not be owned, and we both agree that we should not be owned, then our brains should not be owned either, so the only morally decent thing to do is reject the claim that something divine is our unmovable owner who can do what he wants with us, regardless if we beg or not.