(July 14, 2012 at 11:38 am)Gambit Wrote: Drich you have not proved me wrong, and you are still dodging the points. I'm not even going to bother discussing anything further with you, you're obviously not able to address a specific point without using avoiding tactics. I never once said you said the wrath was aimed only at babies; that is yet another attempt on your part to dodge the question.From your last post:
Quote:Again I will ask, where are there any references in the bible that explicitly state, other than your interpretation of other passages, why God chose to kill all the innocent babies in the flood?
Quote:God is all powerful, God could have easily provided for the babies,again it took 7 pairs of all clean animals to see 8 people through to the flood. How many more for the 1000's if not 10's of thousands of babies? again i ask which one of the 8 survivors of the flood would care for them?
as it is God did care for them when He called them home. Life is not always the greatest mercy. that is unles you are one of those who worships life over God. then anything less than the preceived 100 years you are entitled to, is considered to be a sin.
Quote:seeing as it was God who decided to wipe them all out on a whim. That would have been too difficult, I guess.or simply not in the will of God.
Quote:And what's with the laughing at me; are you trying to get a rise?No i want you to stop saying foolish things. Think about what you say before making a persumptous statement. Ask a question in place of making a foolish assertion.
Quote:The mass slaughter of babies in indefensible.It's not.
Quote: You cannot cite the bible as proof of anything; considering I have googled every one of your arguments and read countless different defenses for God's actions in the bible.

Quote:Your argument rests on your interpretation being right and all the rest being wrong.and another

Quote: I guess they must all wrong and you're right, though, otherwise you would be so confident to laugh in my face. It must be great to be so informed. Anyway, I'm done with you, your beliefs actually make me feel sick and you are an abhorrent excuse for a human being.My responses are written with care to mirror your own efforts. if you wish to challenge and force acceptance of your points i will gladly respond in kind. However if you approach with honest questions and check your persumptions, and pride i will answer any question or concern you have with the same care.. In short if you push be ready to be pushed back.