RE: Paul's Beliefs
July 29, 2012 at 1:46 am
(This post was last modified: July 29, 2012 at 1:53 am by Drich.)
(July 28, 2012 at 11:24 pm)FallentoReason Wrote:Heb5:MISSING IN ACTION IN PAUL'S 7 AUTHENTIC EPISTLES:
MiraclesPaul's conversion was a mirical in of itself. Do you know of this account in Acts? Have you read 1 Corthians 12? This is where Paul list the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and yes among them is the gift of Healing and 'miricals.'
Paul's actual Healing Miricals are recorded in:
Acts 14:8-10
Acts 20:9
Acts 28:3
Quote:ParablesNo one has been recorded to have taught in parables except Christ himself.
Quote:Birth, Mary and JosephNot true in this very same thread i am having a discussion about this very point. for Paul in Galatians 4:4 Speaks of Christ' physical birth firmly planting Him as apart of this realm this world.
Quote:The Lord's PrayerMaybe that is why they call it "THE LORDS Prayer."
Quote:The TransfigurationPaul was not in a position to teach what he did not witness, although Upon His own conversion Christ approached Him as a 'Transfigured being."
As recorded by Luke's word in the book of Acts and by Paul's own hand in 1 Cor 15:7&8
(Which if you note was after the time of the reserection/transfiguration.)
Quote:The Sermon on the MountWhat are you talking about? the Whole Book of Romans hinges on what was said in Mat 5. Without Christ's sermon on the mount The whole book of romans would be Hersey.
Quote:Sea of GalileeWhat of it? Because Paul did not write of the sea of Galilee it ceases to exist? Or perhaps your say Christ does some how???
Quote:Temple visit, NazarethWhat about the temple visit?
Quote:Pontius PilateWhat about pilate? do you doubt his existance?
Quote:Judas Iscariot’s betrayalPaul wasn't betrayed by Judas personally and perhaps did not see the need to 'hate' him as the others did. That is not to say Paul did not recognize his absents nor his own role in filling Judas' spot on the roster of the 12.
Quote:Gethsemanewhat of it?
Quote:Son of Man
This is just one title/name of Christ Here are 200 more:
Perhaps because Paul did not use all of them in his letters this too can also mean that he did not see christ as being a real flesh and blood person.
12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. 13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Quote:If you feel like Paul not mentioning a thing about your Jesus when the time called for it is a red herring, then so be it.Your statement as you can see is greatly exagerated. It seems either you or whom ever work you have copied has failed to do any reasearch outside of a simply key word search in a King James bible. either that or you/they have simply fail in basic biblical comperhension and can not or will not see beyond what your keyword search has yielded.
Quote: Have faith that the silence is justified somehow (which you STILL have NOT addressed). Pointing to the crucifixion is absolutely meaningless when Jesus literally did 101 other things like prophecies that 'came to pass', which Paul is so ignorant of.Paul's work with the church is administrative and essential from transioning the works and words of Christ to a method of worship and they help forge a true way for one to express their own faith.
He interperated and made simple the Works and words of Christ. For people like you. You or the person you have plagerized has simply confused the work of an evangelist (one who sole pourpose is to limit their work to the gospel telling of Christ) with a man who's recorded works were meant to seed and maintain/stablize entire regions/churches.
who (BTW have already heard the gospel and do not need the work or words of an evangelist) Because they have already believing members, and now have a new set of problems trying to incorperate sin or old religious traditions into this new form of worship. (Something the gospel writters did not have to contend with when recording Christ's ministry, because Christ himself did not have to contend with these adminstrative issues.)
Quote:'Jesus was born of a woman'.... great Paul, but why do you fail to mention it was a freaking VIRGIN BIRTH FROM MARY?BECAUSE EVERYONE WHO WOULD READ HIS LETTERS ALREADY KNEW THIS!!!He wrote to Chruches!! By that word's very defination everyone in the Leadership of a given Chruch Already Knew this. Pauls Works to the Galatians or Romans or WHom Ever were already considered to be Christians. Meaning they were Past the 'Milk' of the word/gospel, and now needed 'MEAT' To Sustain themselves and the Chruch as a whole!
Quote:'I'm unsure of how to pray'....Book Chapter and Verse.
Quote: Paul wake up and smell the roses.. SERMON ON THE MOUNT?As aChild I reasoned and played as a Child. When I grew up I learned to put away childish things. This is another Milk/Meat issue... When I was young in the Faith I needed routine and disipline for I was not able to live in the freedom of Christ without these strict guide lines... But when I grew in the faith I put down the traditional chants of prayer to develope a Personal relationship with God. Which includes a different way of prayer.
Quote:'The mystery of Christ Jesus this, the mystery of Christ Jesus that'.... Paul, for the love of God, how is an earthly Jesus a mystery to you????? Do you not realise what he taught and did???????

Quote:I applaud your faith. In the face of REASONS as to why Paul didn't know of any earthly Jesus you still have faith his ignorance is acceptable.

Quote:So be it, I honestly don't care anymore. I seriously appreciate you ultimately wanting to help me understand but all you've done thus far is have your fingers in your ears and yell CRUCIFIXION CRUCIFIXION FREAAAAKING CRUCIFIXION. I'm sorry for lashing out like this, but the frustration is too much to take with you.Then do not feel the need to answer right away. clam down look at what is being said and then simply address it, accept it, or ignore it and accept your faith in whatever you have told yourself to be true. there is no need for emotion in any of this. It is what it is.