RE: Theory of Evolution is about to change a bit
August 11, 2012 at 10:02 pm
(This post was last modified: August 11, 2012 at 10:03 pm by Oldandeasilyconfused.)
Quote:I am open to a lot of ideas and beliefs. You are not.
What? I have not criticised news idea,only your insistent use of logical fallacies,with an inability/unwillingness knowledge such errors.
Quote:There are people who believes in the evolution of science and there is people that does not want to discover new things
False dichotomy,yet ANOTHER logical fallacy. You really have no idea do you..
In science EVERY question remains open to new evidence,new ideas,revision and change. Not being a living organism,sciences is not evolutionary with in my understanding. Further, the history of science shows that scientific change has as often as not been revolutionary as emerging power paradigms compete with old ones.
To accuse me of closed mindedness because I fault your arguments is yet another logical fallacy,called an ad homimen attack.
Bored now.
Quote:If an old,experienced scientist,full of honours ,says something is impossible, he's probably wrong. If a brilliant young scientist says something IS possible;he's probably right (anon)