(August 29, 2012 at 10:45 pm)Undeceived Wrote:(August 29, 2012 at 9:34 am)greneknight Wrote: There is absolutely no evidence or rational justification for God or faith. Many Christians hate to admit this but it's true. I honestly believe all Christians KNOW this is true but they just don't dare to admit it to themselves. And they don't dare to debate on it either.Can I ask what your definitions of evidence and rationality are?
I believe our God is the God of reason. And that evidence can be found in His creation. I invite you to watch this debate, starting at 27:30 -
Hi Undeceived,
I saw the video from the point you suggested - 27:00 onwards and the chap looks like Dinesh D'Souza. He sounds like him, I can't seem to recognise him. HIs voice and accent sounds like D'Souza anyway. I hate to say this but what he's arguing on is nothing new. It's the same old trite argument that has been circulating for centuries. I have an answer to it and I have debated on this before and got banned in Christian Forums (I'm determined not to return there; I think this forum is more balanced and fairer). I have seen many debates on youtube and I know the answer to what he has raised. It's nothing new. If Christopher Hitchens didn't answer his points, it's nothing new. I don't like Hitchens' debates - in the debates I have seen him on, I fear he never addressed the points raised. But Hitchens' weakness is not the strength of theism.
I have to go now. I'm taking my bicycle out to meet a friend for lunch (yes, it's lunch time in this country I'm in when it's the witching hour for the rest of you in England).
But basically, Dinesh has raised the usual points - origin of life and fine-tuning. I stopped there. Earlier, he mentioned dark matter. That's typical of theists. Raising aspects of science that are new and not yet totally understood and going "voila! God's hiding behind the dark matter, don't you see?"
If you really want to debate on the origin of life - and I will argue why cooking up an omniscient, omnipotent, all-loving, interfering God is not the best answer. You see, one of the tricks I find Christians love to make is when they're arguing the existence of God, they want to leave out the PROPERTIES of God. They think it's sufficient to argue for the existence of a Deist God. Craig does that all the time. He will say we are not arguing about the Bible or even Christianity. But I won't have that. You can't have your cake and eat it. If you think the CHRISTIAN GOD is the best answer to these questions, you can't argue for a Deist God and then make a quantum leap to the Christian God.
I;ve got to take my bike out before it pours!!! In these foreign parts, when it rains it really pours.