(August 30, 2012 at 2:30 am)CBA222 Wrote:
Please Read the Whole Thing Before Posting.
Well, guess what? I’m gonna try to prove to you God’s real and Christianity is really worth following. I don’t want to start a flaming argument or anything like that and would appreciate that you wouldn’t comically dismiss my points. I also want to prove some things which I believe are misunderstood.
The Proof
Okay I am not getting into anything about evolution/age of the earth or anything like that. There’s a pretty big chunk of evidence for those things, and idk what to believe in yet. I just don’t want you guys focusing on those topics while I’m trying to explain my more important points. I think it’s kinda nitpicky and really just removes an aspect of God, not disproving his existence.
#1 The world doesn’t make sense without God.
How did we come to exist? Why did everything that ever existed ever exist? Why are we here? Why wasn’t there nothing? Science points to a beginning of the universe. Science can’t explain why we’re here. But Christianity offers a very straight-forward solution, God created it. Pretty easy to understand right? Now assuming the universe did somehow exist, how did life appear? By chance? Practically impossible. All the complex code and cells and whatever, all point to an intelligent creator. Okay I do realize this type of evidence isn’t really hard and just suggests it should of happened like that but no real hard evidence of it. Still, it’s hard to imagine this all happened by chance.
#2 Near Death Experiences
I know I’m gonna get bashed for this. Oh, it’s just something funny going on in your brain. Oh they’re lying etc etc. Trouble is there are millions of cases, and it’s really not plausible to suggest every single one of them was a lie. At least some of them honestly thought they saw something, you get me? That leaves two possibilities, they really did see part of the afterlife, or that something went wrong with their brain. Now I’m not a brain scientist but the fact that so many atheists and doctors have been convinced of the afterlife through their own NDE or hearing others pretty much convinces me. And sometimes they people who have the NDE report several details that they couldn’t haven’t possibly know. Explain that, how could they know what happened down there if they were unconscious and had no way of knowing? There are so many cases that’s it very hard to refute.
#3 Bible Prophecies
I’m not gonna quote any verses(you can look it up yourself).
There are hundreds of prophecies in the Bible, many of them extremely detailed and hundreds of years later, they came true! How? The chances are astronomical, it’s impossible they guessed it right by chance. How did you explain that these prophecies, written down hundreds of years before they happened, came true? Obviously God knew and God told them. Disprove this.
Done with the evidence.
Is it worth it?
Some people don’t like the idea of following all these rules or praying all day long etc.
Are the rules really that bad? Moral rules like not stealing and killing are pretty common sense. You can still have fun, Christianity allows that. Just remember to take your time with God every day. It can be just 30 minutes every day at night and a few hours on Sunday.
And in the end, if you really are Christian, you know you’re going to Heaven, a better place than Earth, so why worry about your life here?
Some people especially dislike just submitting to God and doing his will. Well frankly he created you, so he didn’t even have to give you Heaven in the first place. But he chose to let us put our faith in him. So you can have a happy life and a happy afterlife. Whatever happens in Heaven, it will make you happy. You cannot know what happens in Heaven, to people who think they do, it’s incomprehensible. Jusut know that God has prepared it and you’ll happy forever.
#1 Religion =/= Faith in Jesus
Well I’m not exactly trying to state Christianity isn’t a religion. I’m trying to de-emphasize just doing rituals and praying and going to church for the sake of it, because it doesn’t work like that. Many people who call themselves Christians aren’t really Christians. Just because they go to church or because they celebrate Christmas doesn’t mean they’re Christian. Being Christian means have an open relationship with God and accepting him.
#2 Christians are idiotic jerks
Wut? Kinda ties into the above paragraph. People who call themselves Christian might not be, I happen to go to a school that is religiously neutral but most of the students are real Christians and actively attend a youth group outside of school. They are nicest people I have ever known. Our school is surprisingly decent(if you know what I mean). There’s no bullying and people aren’t immature here. The Christians here are nice, they help out other people, always making people laugh, overall good people. We respect atheists too. We don’t look down on them, all though we do encourage them to become a Christian. And I know atheists can be good people, because some of them are, many of them in fact. But in the end that’s not gonna get you to heaven.
#3 Christians discourage sex
They do, before marriage.
Only do it in a committed relationship.
Pretty much cleared up here. Hope you guys don’t yell at me.
One thing, actually counter argue my points. Don’t just take one sentence, refute it, and leave at that. Cause guess what? That didn’t defeat my argument. You’re just trying to play it off. So please actually give sufficient reason when you’re going to argue.
You make a poor defense of your religion.