Quote:Padraic, you say you are a recovering alcoholic...are you in AA?
Yes,although I rarely go to to meetings these days.
AA helped me a lot ,especially for the first year. I will go whenever I get ratty. (REALLY thirsty)
So far so good. I've been sober 7 years,2 months and 2 weeks exactly.
I recommend AA to any suffering alcoholic.My home group is about 40% atheist. (around 40-50 members,it varies). There are a lot more atheist in AA than most people are aware and AA will admit.At least here in Australia, which is a lot less rabidly religious than the US.
AA did not get me sober,nor did any higher power. I got me sober,by first wanting to stop,for my own sake,then by seeking and accepting help from a range of sources. I quite a 70 day smoking addiction the same way 6 months later.I had my last cigarette 14 Jan 2003.
I boast about this because it's one of the few things in my life about which think I have the right to feel proud. AND to show it can be done.