I think homeschooling can work, but as others have said it would require the parent/s having the necessary skill level in all subjects (especially secondary school) for it to provide a really sound background for further education at the college level.
One person I met that was home schooled didn't have as much social interaction as she needed to function well once she got to college. She happened to be the daughter of a professor I had (science prof that was very religious at home... though that didn't interfere with his work). He asked me and the other women in my class (only three in our major) to help her get settled and "ease in" to the college life style. She was very shy and had limited social skills. She was also very young, only 15 starting college because she was bright and her parents taught her at home well above her age-grade level. She struggled at first making friends but she ended up adjusting fine with some time. In her case, the homeschooling environment allowed her to accelerate her learning and start college earlier. There was a social strain for her but not an academic one.
That being said, I loved my NYC public school education and wouldn't have traded it for anything. If my husband and I have children we won't be homeschooling.
I'm a huge Star Trek: TNG fan... I love Kirk, but Data was always my favorite character.... and I think Earl Grey is my favorite tea because of Picard.
One person I met that was home schooled didn't have as much social interaction as she needed to function well once she got to college. She happened to be the daughter of a professor I had (science prof that was very religious at home... though that didn't interfere with his work). He asked me and the other women in my class (only three in our major) to help her get settled and "ease in" to the college life style. She was very shy and had limited social skills. She was also very young, only 15 starting college because she was bright and her parents taught her at home well above her age-grade level. She struggled at first making friends but she ended up adjusting fine with some time. In her case, the homeschooling environment allowed her to accelerate her learning and start college earlier. There was a social strain for her but not an academic one.
That being said, I loved my NYC public school education and wouldn't have traded it for anything. If my husband and I have children we won't be homeschooling.
I'm a huge Star Trek: TNG fan... I love Kirk, but Data was always my favorite character.... and I think Earl Grey is my favorite tea because of Picard.
"I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence" ~Doug McLeod