(September 9, 2012 at 10:19 pm)FallentoReason Wrote: Dismantle my 'faith' then. Why did Mark use Paul's teachings as what 'Jesus' would be saying?
We've argued this already.. what new evidence do you think you have? Whatever it is, it can be shot down, (If it hasn't already been) and then you will wait a month or two and find something else and try again and again until you can satasify your faith.. Why not simply do the research yourself and cut out the middle man (Me)?
Is my ablity or inablity to condemn an arguement really the cornerstone of your faith? Again, why not do your own work, or admit your own faith, and move on? Because know simply argueing something Ad nausim is not proving anything. It is a legitmate logical fallacy. Just because people tired of argueing the same headline arguement with you, does not mean you have found indisputable facts. It just means people are tired of the arguement. Again after the 3rd or 4th one of these threads (each one 5 to 10 pages long or more!) one of these in as many months I can honestly say you have not brought anything new to the table, just a different source.
Ever wonder why there are so many sources that you can quote that all say the same thing? Maybe it's because none of the arguements you have chosen can destroy the works of the gospels as completely as you need them to so your heart can accept what you have been argueing.
Which brings us back to what you are actually doing with these threads. You are argueing Faith. To Which I have said many many times to you and your peers. I am not here to argue your faiths. God has given us all a choice to make (on Faith Eitherway) So who am I to say you made the wrong one? My job is only to point to the choice itself, If this is your choice then it is fine by me. Just know what it is, and how you made that choice. Don't dress it up as anything else. "To thy own self be true." That way you can always return Home as the prodigal son did when he was ready. Otherwise if your burn that bridge in your mind, your only escape is death. Which ironically....