Quote:What's to defend? I'm opposing unrestricted and unlimited access to abortion for any reason beyond the scope of saving the life of the mother and in the cases of rape and incest. I think it's wrong for a woman to decide to kill an unborn child for the sake of convenience.
Then, don't choose to get an abortion for the sake of convenience. Nobody else's business in this affair is yours.
Quote:No. I'm not saying that abortion promotes reckless behavior and I'm not opposed to Planned Parenthood helping to provide healthcare to women, contraception, and counselling. I am opposed to Planned Parenthood providing unrestricted abortions on demand for any reason beyond the scope of saving the life of the mother and in cases of rape and incest. I would defund Planned Parenthood of all Federal money and let it stand on private contributions.
Fine. I propose a compromise:
Since you would force women to carry children to term against their will, it must be up to your government to provide 100% of all medical expenses, lost wages, psychiatric care, incidental costs, and a generous stipend to the mother for the duration of the child's infancy and adolescence. This is only fair, because you're the one who wants all these babies to be born and you are imposing your will based on your Christian morals, so follow up with more Christian morals and pour on the charity.
If we can't tax the shit out of churches and religious organizations for useful causes like science, we can do it to support the fascism these churches and religious organizations want to shove down everyone's throats. I wonder how sacred unborn life will be when religious organizations all across America go broke supporting all these unwanted babies they forced into the world. Unfortunately, it would not even be a drop in the bucket, but that's only one of many reasons why this is a horrible idea.
Quote:Yes, sometimes they fail, and it's known that contraceptives aren't fully reliable. But still the individuals knowing that risk is responsible for their own, ( both the mother and the father), actions and has the responsibilty of providing for a baby.
They don't need to take on that responsibility. You want to force them to, because you aren't satisfied to live by your own morals. So, you and your kind should be responsible for them. Put your money where your mouth is.