[quote='Brian37' pid='342677' dateline='1348799663']
[quote]Thats what hostage takers do in doemestic home invasions and bank robbery situations. They don't want to actually harm anyone most of the time, but WILL let the hostages know and the cops know who is in charge. I hardly find that moral even if no one dies.[/quote] you find that "immoral."
[quote]Secondly, there is death from the begining of the bible to the end of it, and not all old age natural death. But death that this alleged all powerful being either does not stop or actually sanctions for his "chosen people". [/quote]So?
Death is not the end but one's birth into eternity. The only ones who need fear it are those who will be born into eternal seperation.
[quote]If we are even to assume the myth of the world flood story, it would not be a stretch to assume that even kids and babies outside the Noah family would exist. The story SAYS NOTHING about saving innocent babies, but treats all humans outside that family, including children and babies like trash for the mere crime of being born outside Noah. [/quote]
Even if there were innocent babies outside the Ark wouldn't they be returning home to the Father that loved them? And if the point of this life was to choose where we are to spend an eternity then isn't probable that God simply give them another chance to choose later?
What is lost here? What is the Great crime you preceive? Or is it simply that God will judge the unjust, and you find yourself aligned with that group of people?
[quote]THIRD, in real life 35 million peoole DIE world wide every year. that would be 350 MILLION in one decade alone, not to mention thousands of years. All while your fictional super hero does nothing to stop human suffering while his fans claims he is "all powerful", but seems to act like a selective deadbeat.[/quote]So what? 35 million or 350 million, you need to understand (if you haven't been told yet) we ALL Die. Everyone born (save one) has or will die. That is something we all owe for the life we have been given. No one has been promised 100 years then a death. we have been given the time we have been alotted and not a second more. Then we are born into eternity. That is to say we are born into eternal life or eternal death/seperation. Why would anyone resent this unless he chose to be eternally seperated from God and this 'life' is the only thing he got?
[quote]He is as a CHARACTER, as written, like reviewing a character in a book, can only be assesed as being inept or malicious.[/quote] From whos perspective? One who has chose to be born into eternal seperation? Is this person view of God a valid one? Obviously this person would have a natural slant or hatered of God if he chose to be eternally seperated from Him.
[quote]But the third option is that bad and good in life are a result of nature and not a stupid comic book battle between Superman vs Kriptonite.[/quote]What are you in 2nd grade? Who said anything about a battle between God and evil? I'm sorry but it seems you are basing your eternal fate on a 1000 year old/"Dark Age" understanding of God. Would you also base your understanding of science and medicine on a 1000 year old dark age view? Or would that just be too stupid? If you are not willing to entrust your life, this one breif breath existance on what was understood to be the pinnical of understanding medicine and science,(1000 years ago) then why oh, why are you willing to turn your eternal future over to this same type of understanding? Are you so proud to think that your elementary understanding of catholic based sunday school theology, is anywhere close to being an accurate protrayal of Biblical Christianity? If so, then you have indeed decided where you will spend eternity, and I do not pitty your proud efforts.
[quote]If I walk up to you and stick a gun to your head and say "Give me your wallet or I will shoot you dead", and then suddenly walk away without taking your wallet, am I moral even though I still threatened you?[/quote] You said moral again.
[quote]That story is nothing more than a strong armed tactic and bullying for that petty tyrant to demand attention. [/quote]You will have your say one day i suggest you save all of this for then. Because all i can do is point out how foolish this line of reasoning is, and point to the established standards that have been corrupted and perverted that allows your 'morality' to make such a judgement. Which is pointless because you do not seem to be interested in anything that your 'morality' does not approve. talk about circular reasoning..
[quote]In real life NO ONE would respond that way to such an act. Most sane people would grab their kid, get away and call the police.[/quote]
Again that is what this life is all about. Your chance to prove to God that you want to spend eternity with Him or to "Get away" from Him. It seems you have made your desision. Even so it is not too late to change it. Whatever you ultimatly decide know that God will hold you to what you have chosen forever.
Choose responsiably/Make an informed desision. Not one based on the limits of what you seem to understand now.
[quote]Thats what hostage takers do in doemestic home invasions and bank robbery situations. They don't want to actually harm anyone most of the time, but WILL let the hostages know and the cops know who is in charge. I hardly find that moral even if no one dies.[/quote] you find that "immoral."
[quote]Secondly, there is death from the begining of the bible to the end of it, and not all old age natural death. But death that this alleged all powerful being either does not stop or actually sanctions for his "chosen people". [/quote]So?
Death is not the end but one's birth into eternity. The only ones who need fear it are those who will be born into eternal seperation.
[quote]If we are even to assume the myth of the world flood story, it would not be a stretch to assume that even kids and babies outside the Noah family would exist. The story SAYS NOTHING about saving innocent babies, but treats all humans outside that family, including children and babies like trash for the mere crime of being born outside Noah. [/quote]
Even if there were innocent babies outside the Ark wouldn't they be returning home to the Father that loved them? And if the point of this life was to choose where we are to spend an eternity then isn't probable that God simply give them another chance to choose later?
What is lost here? What is the Great crime you preceive? Or is it simply that God will judge the unjust, and you find yourself aligned with that group of people?
[quote]THIRD, in real life 35 million peoole DIE world wide every year. that would be 350 MILLION in one decade alone, not to mention thousands of years. All while your fictional super hero does nothing to stop human suffering while his fans claims he is "all powerful", but seems to act like a selective deadbeat.[/quote]So what? 35 million or 350 million, you need to understand (if you haven't been told yet) we ALL Die. Everyone born (save one) has or will die. That is something we all owe for the life we have been given. No one has been promised 100 years then a death. we have been given the time we have been alotted and not a second more. Then we are born into eternity. That is to say we are born into eternal life or eternal death/seperation. Why would anyone resent this unless he chose to be eternally seperated from God and this 'life' is the only thing he got?
[quote]He is as a CHARACTER, as written, like reviewing a character in a book, can only be assesed as being inept or malicious.[/quote] From whos perspective? One who has chose to be born into eternal seperation? Is this person view of God a valid one? Obviously this person would have a natural slant or hatered of God if he chose to be eternally seperated from Him.
[quote]But the third option is that bad and good in life are a result of nature and not a stupid comic book battle between Superman vs Kriptonite.[/quote]What are you in 2nd grade? Who said anything about a battle between God and evil? I'm sorry but it seems you are basing your eternal fate on a 1000 year old/"Dark Age" understanding of God. Would you also base your understanding of science and medicine on a 1000 year old dark age view? Or would that just be too stupid? If you are not willing to entrust your life, this one breif breath existance on what was understood to be the pinnical of understanding medicine and science,(1000 years ago) then why oh, why are you willing to turn your eternal future over to this same type of understanding? Are you so proud to think that your elementary understanding of catholic based sunday school theology, is anywhere close to being an accurate protrayal of Biblical Christianity? If so, then you have indeed decided where you will spend eternity, and I do not pitty your proud efforts.
[quote]If I walk up to you and stick a gun to your head and say "Give me your wallet or I will shoot you dead", and then suddenly walk away without taking your wallet, am I moral even though I still threatened you?[/quote] You said moral again.
[quote]That story is nothing more than a strong armed tactic and bullying for that petty tyrant to demand attention. [/quote]You will have your say one day i suggest you save all of this for then. Because all i can do is point out how foolish this line of reasoning is, and point to the established standards that have been corrupted and perverted that allows your 'morality' to make such a judgement. Which is pointless because you do not seem to be interested in anything that your 'morality' does not approve. talk about circular reasoning..
[quote]In real life NO ONE would respond that way to such an act. Most sane people would grab their kid, get away and call the police.[/quote]
Again that is what this life is all about. Your chance to prove to God that you want to spend eternity with Him or to "Get away" from Him. It seems you have made your desision. Even so it is not too late to change it. Whatever you ultimatly decide know that God will hold you to what you have chosen forever.
Choose responsiably/Make an informed desision. Not one based on the limits of what you seem to understand now.