The zionism as it was founded was certainly not founded as a religious movement.
Theodor Herzel before writing "Der Judenstaat" wrote letters in wich he for example expressed his daydreams of "converting all jews to christianity". The Dreyfuss incident in france then convinced him that no matter what opinions or what faith a person of jewish decent would have - that person would still suffer from antisemitsim because of his jewish decent.
when israel was founded ben gureon made the big mistake of giving a "rabbi councel" the role of the nations supreme court. although israel was then founded as a secuar state, this mistake wich was actualey made under the intention of preserving jewish culture laid the bedrock for jewish fanatesism wich today kidnaps israeli politics.
Theodor Herzel before writing "Der Judenstaat" wrote letters in wich he for example expressed his daydreams of "converting all jews to christianity". The Dreyfuss incident in france then convinced him that no matter what opinions or what faith a person of jewish decent would have - that person would still suffer from antisemitsim because of his jewish decent.
when israel was founded ben gureon made the big mistake of giving a "rabbi councel" the role of the nations supreme court. although israel was then founded as a secuar state, this mistake wich was actualey made under the intention of preserving jewish culture laid the bedrock for jewish fanatesism wich today kidnaps israeli politics.