RE: Landover Baptist Hilarity or "Down Syndrome is a Lifestyle Choice"
October 18, 2012 at 6:17 pm
Quote:Cranky Old Man
Trying to out-Methuselah Methuselah
You kids get off his lawn!
ähhhh that sounds like parody. At least I hope that! When I first saw Glen Beck I thought he was a comedian!
Quote: You are ever so right, my brother in Christ!
Atheists or as they should be called: Monkey Worshippers - tend to use the argument "If we're all created in gods image, then god has downs syndrome."
God is perfect, god has no flaws, he can do anything. God didn't create mankind to be retarded, if people have any kind of mental disability they choose to have it (free will).
I will never understand why mental asylums don't take in Monkey Worshippers and treat them as well for "mental illness"