RE: Hell, or rather my brief experience of it.
November 8, 2012 at 7:49 pm
(This post was last modified: November 8, 2012 at 7:59 pm by Something completely different.)
(November 8, 2012 at 7:16 pm)Drich Wrote: I identified the reason I said what I said in post 94. You have confused yourself. The reason I posted that is because I know Cinjin's agruements, and that they generally follow the hate, and distain that Nazi propaganda was kn own for.
Now show me how they do, that is all I want to see.
Give me examples, because I dont see it.
Or do you have some "divine" sixt sence with which you can identify "nazi propaganda methods" in peoples way of making a point which hinders you at showing people what you see?
Quote:Again, asked and answered.
You havent answered anything so far.
Quote:Keep reading
I also Go on to say that Just because we did not know how things work 3000 years ago it doesn't mean we weren't meant to know.
"doesn`t mean that we weren`t meant to know"?
Do you know how we found out how "things" worked?
The sun rotating the earth? Semmelweis discovery of germs?
Do you really think every single one of these discoveries came through devine revalation? Because this is the only conclusion one can come to after making such a statement as you did.
Quote:You ask:
Quote:I absolutly dont see how you bring the nazi-accusation into this. jet nazi propaganda! Have you ever seen or heared nazi propaganda?!I gave you 4 examples of Nazi Propaganda. So yes i have seen or heard Actual Nazi propaganda.
How does it apply? The same hate and bigotry (Paired with 'facts') used in Nazi propaganda, is being mirrored by how cinjin pairs facts with distain and hate for God.
cinjin rejects god out of reasonable arguments concluded out of observation - therefor no hate of god - but rejection of deities.
And so do I!
Nazi propaganda specialised on demonising a certain part of mankind through attributing every single adjective with negative assosiation on this group of people. Nazi propaganda called for collective violence against not only the group but in some cases individuals.
Nazi propaganda ignored all facts and individual rights.
Where does cinjin call for massmurder? your extermination? and uses lies to back that up?
examples please!
Quote:Quote:No I am saying: "those who lie about historical facts to demonise people in todays sociial debates are moronic assholes of the worst kind."
If you cant prove that Cinjin uses "nazi reasoning" you are one of these moronic assholes, unless you apologise to him!I am what I am.
so you acknowlege that you lie about historic facts to demonise your opponents?
Quote: Yes, anyone who has lived in America (outside of the tourist destinations) can tell you this.
Well why dont you tell me about it? and most importent of all; back your claims up with facts!
Quote:What are you talking about?
Quote:Are seriously trying to channel cultural exclusivity. (No one can know about Nazi's except those who were born german?)
I think Native Americans and maybe AfricanAmericans can do this and it is wearing thin on soceity. Germany lost that right in 1945.
I dont thing there is such a thing as cultural exclusivity.
But first of, I questioned your statement about native americans and blacks.
second. What experties do you think you have to say when a crime commited against a minority can be forgiven by that minority?
Because clearly that is what it comes to after making a statement like you made above.
Quote:Crazy germans.
So because i drew a paralell between Nazi's using 'facts/propaganda' to spread their hate and condemn those who do not accept their 'facts' as presented, and Cinjin doing the very same thing, Your saying that is somehow the same as me putting jews into camps during WWII?
ah, no.
So because every party in a democracy uses "facts""propaganda" in campain adds we should reject them all as fashist.
Your definition of nazi propaganda is delusional and pritty much defines every single "propaganda" add out there.
Totalitarian systems propaganda is very distinctive in it`s hatespeach and lies.
Now again! Show me those example in which cinjin uses nazi propaganda methods against you!
I will believe you if ayou show me!
And give me the example of where I state "that is the same as throwing people into concentration camps"
Quote:I did not call anyone a Nazi, I simply pointed out He was using a propaganda tatic made popular by the Nazis. If this makes me a bad person, then I am a bad person.
You pointed out nothing as long as you didn`t give proof by showing examples!