(November 8, 2012 at 7:49 pm)The_Germans_are_coming Wrote: Now show me how they do, that is all I want to see.I identified one specific method of Nazi Propaganda. Using facts to propergate hate. Are you denying that Nazi's used facts to propergate hate?
Give me examples, because I dont see it.
Or do you have some "divine" sixt sence with which you can identify "nazi propaganda methods" in peoples way of making a point which hinders you at showing people what you see?
Quote:You havent answered anything so far.Not up for debate. If you did not read what was written or if you simply did not understand, then it is up to you to identify the areas where you remain ignorant. I will not restate an arguement you did not take the time to read or simply understand.
Quote:??????????????????????Why would any sensable person think this? We learned through observation. Again just because an phenoma is observable does not mean it is not of God.
"doesn`t mean that we weren`t meant to know"?
Do you know how we found out how "things" worked?
The sun rotating the earth? Semmelweis discovery of germs?
Do you really think every single one of these discoveries came through devine revalation?
Quote: Because this is the only conclusion one can come to after making such a statement as you did.Only if you wish to argue strawmen.
Quote:cinjin rejects god out of reasonable arguments concluded out of observation - therefor no hate of god - but rejection of deities.You may believe this but your hero does not.
And so do I!
Quote:Nazi propaganda specialised on demonising a certain part of mankind through attributing every single adjective with negative assosiation on this group of people. Nazi propaganda called for collective violence against not only the group but in some cases individuals.And how did they do this? they took 'facts' and paired it with Hate. they pushed their interpertation of facts to the exclusion of all other possiable interpertations in order to 'prove' the Jews were not Human. they had to remove the title of humanity from the jews before any of the other things you mentioned were possiable. Your buddy cinjin has done something simliar. He has taken one very specific interpertation of a given set of facts to disprove the existance of God. If anyone were to take that same evidence and provide another interpertation, Cinny would attempt to remove the persons crediablity or attack the persons intelligence for not agreeing with his interpertation of the 'facts.' Look at his thread "That's embarrassing." He attacks his own father for not agreeing with his understanding of how the entertainment industry is run. This is type of Son turning on a Father to honor his propaganda, is what reminded me of a Judenrat. (Often times a young man who has bought into the german propaganda to sell out his own people. for those who do not know)
Nazi propaganda ignored all facts and individual rights.
Quote:Where does cinjin call for massmurder? your extermination? and uses lies to back that up?You have created a Red Herring Deutsch bag. I isolated one aspect of Nazi propaganda purposly and specifically and repeated it 5 or 6 times. They have employ facts to spread hate.
Quote:so you acknowlege that you lie about historic facts to demonise your opponents?Beggs the question
Quote:Well why dont you tell me about it? and most importent of all; back your claims up with facts!Not revelant to Hell, Nazis or cinjin.
Quote:I dont thing there is such a thing as cultural exclusivity.says the Übermensch
Quote:second. What experties do you think you have to say when a crime commited against a minority can be forgiven by that minority?Not everyone on this forum has blonde hair and blue eyes. Some even could be considered mischling.
Because clearly that is what it comes to after making a statement like you made above.
Quote:So because every party in a democracy uses "facts""propaganda" in campain adds we should reject them all as fashist.wow, deusche-lusional as well. i bet you wife/husband loves disagreeing with you. You completely misrepersent Everything that the other person says. It's almost like you look for key words and then proceed to argue the stero-typical arguement against those key words EVEN if it has absolutly nothing to do with what is being discussed.
Your definition of nazi propaganda is delusional and pritty much defines every single "propaganda" add out there.
Totalitarian systems propaganda is very distinctive in it`s hatespeach and lies.
Now again! Show me those example in which cinjin uses nazi propaganda methods against you!
I will believe you if ayou show me!
And give me the example of where I state "that is the same as throwing people into concentration camps"
Quote:You pointed out nothing as long as you didn`t give proof by showing examples!Pearls before swine. what more 'proof' can i give? I completely deconstructed my arguement identified the paralells between what was said by a member of this board, and how it compares to Nazi propaganda, but you do not want to address this. you want me to provide proof on how everything that was ever said by cinny, is to match every single aspect of Nazi propaganda. This is a red herring, for i have from the beginning identified one aspect of cinny's arguement that paralells N/P.
Again Either you are being idiotic or obstinate.
Eitherway i am going to have to 'chicken out' of the rest of this discussion if you insist on staying the course.