'Dric Wrote:And how did they do this? they took 'facts' and paired it with Hate. they pushed their interpertation of facts to the exclusion of all other possiable interpertations in order to 'prove' the Jews were not Human. they had to remove the title of humanity from the jews before any of the other things you mentioned were possiable. Your buddy cinjin has done something simliar. He has taken one very specific interpertation of a given set of facts to disprove the existance of God. If anyone were to take that same evidence and provide another interpertation, Cinny would attempt to remove the persons crediablity or attack the persons intelligence for not agreeing with his interpertation of the 'facts.' Look at his thread "That's embarrassing." He attacks his own father for not agreeing with his understanding of how the entertainment industry is run. This is type of Son turning on a Father to honor his propaganda, is what reminded me of a Judenrat. (Often times a young man who has bought into the german propaganda to sell out his own people. for those who do not know)
Your analogies are so deeply flawed it is hard to know where to even start. There is a big fucking difference between pushing propaganda that is based on absolutely zero facts (The Jews were not human), and calling someone out on stating as fact, that which does not have a shred of proof to support it (The existence of God, and everything that encompasses). The alleged propagandists are on completely opposite sides of the spectrum of facts. In simple terms, we know that all Jews on Earth are human, not all humans are Jews, but all humans can become Jews. That is a fucking no brainer. Now, on the other end of the scale we have God. Nobody has proven its existence, yet billions of people keep insisting it exists, while ignoring every fact they are presented with. Brace yourself, Drich... by your own analogy, your thinking is more close linked to those Nazi propagandists than those that you accuse. Which is rather ironic, given that accusing the enemy of that which you are guilty of is, another very well known propaganda tactic purportedly used by Nazis.