I agree its not the most comforting of thoughts, but it'll be like falling asleep. I don't think I'll 'know when I'm dead' but my fear may be on death approaching. I'd like to be with some loved ones and hope I would have the courage that Hitch had in facing death.
A dilema in our household is that my husband is a recently born again christian. After his father told me I'm going to hell the other day I asked him if it bothered him that I wouldn't be in heaven with him. He said he hadn't thought about it, clearly some discomfort to him, as he believes he will meet everyone again in the afterlife! More discord than the thought of what happens after death to him
A dilema in our household is that my husband is a recently born again christian. After his father told me I'm going to hell the other day I asked him if it bothered him that I wouldn't be in heaven with him. He said he hadn't thought about it, clearly some discomfort to him, as he believes he will meet everyone again in the afterlife! More discord than the thought of what happens after death to him
xXAngenlina starXx
"Take the risk of thinking for yourself. Much more happiness, truth, beauty and wisdom will come to you that way"
Christopher Hitchens
Closing statement of the debate with William Dembski at Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano Texas November 18th 2010