Methodist, and I went to church until I was about 11. Once I moved, we just never found a new church so I never went back (except for the odd girl scout sunday or something). I always doubted, I always remember doubting. I never though "god thinks this" or "god does that" i always remember thinking "if there is a god then..." so I guess the thought that all of it wasnt true was always in my mind. I wondered how the things in the bible could be proven and stuff like that, once I got older I realized that they couldnt. I dont know when I officially became an atheist but I'd say sometime in highschool, and I was even agnostic before that. My parents are not really super religious, my mom was raised catholic and my dad methodist but i'm pretty sure my dad is an agnostic or atheist. My little sister is also an atheist. My middle sister is the only wacky one that still holds onto god (and shes also a little bitch, lol)
"I have no advice for anybody; except to, you know, be awake enough to see where you are at any given time, and how that is beautiful, and has poetry inside. Even places you hate" -Jeff Buckley
"I have no advice for anybody; except to, you know, be awake enough to see where you are at any given time, and how that is beautiful, and has poetry inside. Even places you hate" -Jeff Buckley