(February 23, 2013 at 11:36 am)FallentoReason Wrote:Drich Wrote:Christ Himself set the pace in Mt 5 and in several key parables then Paul in the book of Romans cements the details in stone.
You have that back to front. Paul mentions tons of doctrine which never gets related back to the events found in the Gospels. Then the Gospels are written and we get told about these miraculous stories that somehow escaped Paul's attention, and no, I don't believe that was intentional, because Paul gives himself a chance to reiterate things found in the Gospels but fails to do so. An example is when he says Jesus was "born of a woman". Ok, did she have a name? Was it by any chance a rather unusual birth? The man is clueless on the topic he's dedicated his life to.
Paul's letters are not meant to be used as material to convert new believers. Paul identifes his role as being the next step in the Church. As new believers require milk (as the very young do) More mature believers require Meat to sustain their Spiritual growth. Paul's role is not to breast feed new believers, but to supply the meat more mature believers need to grow in the Faith.
That is why Paul does not repeat the same things that are found in the gospels over and over. He focouses his efforts in the problems established believers were having in the Church. Think about it for a minute. Why spend all of his time and effort teaching things people already believe, when there were more pressing matters like people marring their mothers, endless law suits, people forcing new believers to be circumsized before they could be apart of a church, members being thrown in jail and forgotten, widows going hungry, orphans being left unattended, and on and on.. with all of this going on why does Paul need to spend all of his life teaching things the people who received his letters already believe?