I'm pleased to hear how considerate we are all toward those who actively believe in God. Certainly when someone is sick or grieving is no time to skewer them with hard questions or sarcasm (my favorite). But I think there are other times when a little tough love is appropriate.
I have a God-obsessed cousin who asked to be my friend on facebook. When her kid was sick, I let it go. But when she posted that "God was good everyone made it home from the airport safely." I couldn't help but reply how happy I was God didn't make any mischief for you this time.
I have a God-obsessed cousin who asked to be my friend on facebook. When her kid was sick, I let it go. But when she posted that "God was good everyone made it home from the airport safely." I couldn't help but reply how happy I was God didn't make any mischief for you this time.