[quote='A_Nony_Mouse' pid='434012' dateline='1366553146']
[quote]That is obfuscation. It is crap.
Greek philosophers held a person was composed of body, mind, soul and spirit.[/quote]do you have a point of reference for this assertion? I looked it up and could not find that this ideology started with the greeks.
[quote] The Greeks gods had bodies. The Christian god supposedly has none. Without a body there is only Mind, Soul and (holy) Spirit. [/quote]
ah, no.
God the son had a Body. God the Spirit and God the Father two very distinct and seperate personages of God do not have a physical form.
[quote]The "son" crap comes from imagining the gospel use of FATHER had a different meaning from the usage in the Our Father. In other words it is all a desperate attempt to hide the Greek origin of the three out of four idea.[/quote]

-or it could be that Christ is the Son of God as He claims in these examples: http://bible.org/question/does-jesus-fac...t-infer-it
[quote]The official spokesrats for the vast majority of Christians, the Vatican, does not teach the idea of that kind of hell. That kind of hell was invented by Dante.[/quote]Two things: 1) What position are you refering to? and 2) When the the Roman Catholic Church become the authority on biblical Christianity? (The guy who wears the big hat makes rules and decrees that superceed scripture.)
[quote]That is obfuscation. It is crap.
Greek philosophers held a person was composed of body, mind, soul and spirit.[/quote]do you have a point of reference for this assertion? I looked it up and could not find that this ideology started with the greeks.
[quote] The Greeks gods had bodies. The Christian god supposedly has none. Without a body there is only Mind, Soul and (holy) Spirit. [/quote]
ah, no.
God the son had a Body. God the Spirit and God the Father two very distinct and seperate personages of God do not have a physical form.
[quote]The "son" crap comes from imagining the gospel use of FATHER had a different meaning from the usage in the Our Father. In other words it is all a desperate attempt to hide the Greek origin of the three out of four idea.[/quote]

-or it could be that Christ is the Son of God as He claims in these examples: http://bible.org/question/does-jesus-fac...t-infer-it
[quote]The official spokesrats for the vast majority of Christians, the Vatican, does not teach the idea of that kind of hell. That kind of hell was invented by Dante.[/quote]Two things: 1) What position are you refering to? and 2) When the the Roman Catholic Church become the authority on biblical Christianity? (The guy who wears the big hat makes rules and decrees that superceed scripture.)