Generally the taxonomy used in UK philosophy (journals etc.) is atheist (denial of God/gods existing: probably closest to anti-theist), and agnostic (claiming no knowledge either way)
The subsections are interesting sections of atheist thought but as I would say that both anti-theism and agnosticism can affect lives I hold that atheism is something that has influence in people in both rational and irrational ways. Quite common sense but obviously some counter-intuitive assertions that atheism and agnosticism have no bearing on behaviour are held by people such as Rhythm my old bud!
The subsections are interesting sections of atheist thought but as I would say that both anti-theism and agnosticism can affect lives I hold that atheism is something that has influence in people in both rational and irrational ways. Quite common sense but obviously some counter-intuitive assertions that atheism and agnosticism have no bearing on behaviour are held by people such as Rhythm my old bud!
Kudos given by (1): Dawud