Quote:Then there is situation B, when a male is more than willing to be financially obligated and that choice is also ignored. This is an apparent oversight and it strikes me as inequality.
There is much more to raising a kid than just paying child support. Having "daddy" show up for an hour or two a week to play with the kid and then leave it with "mommy" the rest of the time may seem equitable to you but not to me.
The process does not end at birth...much as the religious right likes to pretend that it does. A woman who is forced to have a baby against her will is stuck raising it. The concept of viability is pretty useless since a human child is just about the most helpless thing on earth for years. But the same people who are trying to make it impossible for her to have an abortion in the bible belt are perfectly willing to say "all yours, sister...don't come looking for welfare from us good xtians!" once the little bastard pops out of the hole.
And if she fails in her duties as a mother those same fine xtians will sic the law on her and lock her ass up as fast as possible for being a bad mother which is ironic because they forced her to be a mother in the first place.