I don't fit in. One part of me might, but another always gets in the way. That's because I'm a Hispanic American, atheist, bisexual, personality shifter, sex talker, socially awkward, impulsive, progressive, beer drinking, soccer playing, free thinking, liberal, hard core woman in heels (or Converse shoes). I'm nice but rude. I'm gay but straight. I'm shy but not. I'm a girly tom-boy. It all depends on how I feel in the morning.
I have a scary intuition talent. I try not to, but I'm always one step ahead and act accordingly to what I feel the person is thinking. I usually get it right. It's scary. I go by expressions, traits, tendencies, commonalities, etc. A couple minutes into a conversation with someone I just met and I could lead it anywhere I'd like just guiding myself by what I observed. I can't explain it. It's heavy stuff.
I have a scary intuition talent. I try not to, but I'm always one step ahead and act accordingly to what I feel the person is thinking. I usually get it right. It's scary. I go by expressions, traits, tendencies, commonalities, etc. A couple minutes into a conversation with someone I just met and I could lead it anywhere I'd like just guiding myself by what I observed. I can't explain it. It's heavy stuff.
Pointing around: "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you, I'm out!"
Half Baked
"Let the atheists come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of heathens belongs to people like these." -Saint Bacon
Half Baked
"Let the atheists come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of heathens belongs to people like these." -Saint Bacon