RE: Most so called Christians have invented their own "God" that they worship
May 1, 2013 at 1:10 pm
(This post was last modified: May 1, 2013 at 1:17 pm by ThomM.)
(April 29, 2013 at 12:58 pm)TheGoodwillingAtheist Wrote: Ever wondered why when Christians refer to God he often represents exactly the same values they stand for? Perhaps they have read they whole bible and analysed the Christian/Judeo God to determine what his moral stances are and thus found themselves agreeing with God on everything. This seems very unlikely and may apply to a minority of "wacky" Christians. Rather the God that these Christians claim to worship is one they have invented themselves. They have fine tuned the idea of God given to them by the churches to conform with their own outlook on the world. So you have to ask yourself, is it really the Christian/Judeo God that they are worshiping?
To me God is exactly how he is read in the bible. A psychopathic douche bag that gets pissed off when people start to show him less attention. He constantly needs his ego boosted by worship, so much so that he will cause destruction if he doesn't get enough praise for being "good". I think if many of these Christians as they call themselves would actually bother to read a bible for themselves then they'd see that God certainly does not share the same world view as them.
It seems to me that many Christians would be better defined as monotheists. Monotheism is defined as, "The doctrine or belief that there is only one God." However there is also an element of polytheism in those Christians that believe in a literal Satan. Polytheism is defined as, "The worship of or belief in more than one god." Certainly the power status of Satan in the bible reflects that of a god so it seems fair to classify him as so. Believing in multiple gods does not require that you worship all of them. This is known as Henotheism which is defined as, "Adherence to one particular god out of several."
If anyone has any thoughts to share about this then feel free to comment what you think. This is something that I have noticed for quite some time and felt it was worth writing about. If only more people would come out as Atheist rather than clinging to this concept of God that is a dead cause.
All religions were created by Humans - and the FACT that they create their own beliefs is proven by the fact that there are over 40,000 different sects of the xtian belief recognized by the US government for tax exemption alone.
Xtianity has ALWAYS been a cafeteria faith - even before the creation of the New Testament by the religion - when the ones in charge VOTED to decide what king of story they wanted their religion to be. So - people accept some things and reject others things
The best thing that non-believers have in defense of their non belief is the bible. Studies show that it is NON-believers who are more likely to have actually read the whole bible - and be knowledgeable about it. When I am asked to defend MY position as a non-believer - I do not have to - ALL I do is to tell the people to actually READ the entire bible from the first page to the last. IT IS ALL ONE BOOK. ANd if after having actually done so - I don't beleive that they will be able to justify a continued faith in the religions supposedly based on that Group of Fairy tales.