I think it's fair to say that theists go for the version of God that most appeals to them. If you believe God is super-loving, it's fair to reject a version that's hateful. It does seem to boil down to preference though. I have trouble seeing one abandoning theirs for one that sounds better on paper, or turning from montheism to polytheism because smaller gods are less likely to have contradictory attributes.
Remember, the God they already believe in is the one they've been praying to, the one they already give credit for their blessings to, what they feel to be an actual person who cares about them. They're not going to dump their friend to hang out with the cool new god who just blew into town. But they often will start to see that their god had a lot of the new god's cool attributes all along.
Remember, the God they already believe in is the one they've been praying to, the one they already give credit for their blessings to, what they feel to be an actual person who cares about them. They're not going to dump their friend to hang out with the cool new god who just blew into town. But they often will start to see that their god had a lot of the new god's cool attributes all along.